"A Smile Happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime"

 The first appointment of a consultation / examination is a very important process before initiating any dental procedure. After a thorough evaluation of your oral health, our doctor would explain the same to you and formulate an ideal treatment plan for your case. The time required for the completion of the treatment and the exact fee estimate would be clarified during this appointment.
Various alternative treatment plans would be given to you as well to suit your
budget and time constraints if any. All your doubts and queries would be solved by the doctor at this stage and this first appointment serves as a platform for a healthy doctor- patient relationship.
After this appointment, you can choose to proceed with the further treatment only if you feel comfortable as there are
no obligations for the same. Only a one time consultation fee would be charged.

Visiting Hrs


Morning:-9. A.M. to 2.00 P.M.
Evening:-5. P.M. to 9.00 P.M.

Sundays: 9.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M.

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Please visit this website http://www.waliadentalclinic.com. It has all the information on dental care which can be very useful for you.

Warm Regards

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Should we replace missing teeth? Why?
  2. What are the common means of replacing missing teeth?
  3. Why do gums bleed?
  4. Why do some teeth pain during intake of cold foods and hot foods?
  5. What can be done about the gap present between two front upper teeth?
  6. What is Root Canal Treatment?
  7. What are the signs of Gum Disease?
  8.  How does Plaque form?
  9.  What are sensitive teeth?

1.     Should we replace missing teeth? Why?
Yes missing teeth should always be replaced. If the missing front teeth are not replaced, it affects the look of the person and also has a psychological impact. If missing back teeth are not replaced, it results in a myriad of problems which can be explained by the figure given below.

Further more the joint which is responsible for opening and closing the mouth during speaking, swallowing & eating will also be affected.
Effect of tooth loss:
a. Drifting of the neighbouring teeth b. Over eruption of opposing teeth c. Loss of tooth contacts d. Trauma to supporting structures of tooth e. Recession of gingiva f. Caries
g. Pocketing h. Premature contact

2.     What are the common means of replacing missing teeth?
Missing teethmay be replaced by a Fixed Partial Denture (FPD) or removable denture. A FPD is commonly called bridge. This is normally made with metal and ceramic (porcelain) which bond to one another. These are different types in bridges.
A removable denture may be partial or complete. A removable partial denture (RPD) is given, when a bridge is not a ideal choice for the patient. It is made in acrylic (a type of plastic) or cast in a metal which is well accepted by the body. A complete denture (
CD) may be needed when no teeth are left in the mouth.
Sometimes a
CD is made with support of two or more teeth left behind. The artificial teeth used in CD is made of acrylic and are of varying types.

3.     Why do gums bleed?
Commonly speaking bleeding gums may be due to unhealthy gums caused by the deposition of tartar around and under the gums. Bleeding gums can also be arise due to some improper contact of the opposing teeth and of deficiency of Vitamin C

Deficiency of Vitamin C

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums

Improper Teeth

Improper Teeth

Proper Teeth

4.     Why do some teeth pain during intake of cold foods and hot foods?
Unattended decay, tends to eat away the "enamel" of teeth. The next layer of teeth is called dentrine which is highly sensitive to extremes of temperature. This situation might give rise to sharp pain, when exposed to temperature. Left unattended it may give rise to more serious problems.

5.     What can be done about the gap present between two front upper teeth?
The gap can be closed absolutely well to give a natural look. Depending on the size of the gap it may be treated with composite (a tooth color material), or crowns (ceramic or metal + ceramic) or laminates (a thin covering using ceramic). The gap may also be closed using certain type of braces (Orthodontic Treatment)

gap between the teeth

gap between the teeth

gap between the teeth

gap between the teeth


6.      What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is indicated in teeth that have developed a deep cavity with the involvement of the nerve in the respective tooth.
The infection may spread through the infected nerve into the underlying bone and cause accumulation of pus associated with pain.

The root canal treatment involves removal of the infected nerve.
Once the nerve is removed the walls of the root canal are smoothened and enlarged to accommodate a filling material.

Once the infection is drained, the root canal is filled with the filling material.

Next, in 6-8 weeks the cavity on the tooth surface is filled a permanent filling material.

Root Canal Treatment

When a dental pulp (nerve) is traumatized, diseased, or dead, it must be removed and replaced with a root canal filling. The filling material may vary from the most popular, rubber like material, gutta-percha, to sterling silver, other metals, plastic, or various cements. The procedure usually requires one or two appointments. The root canal procedure typically is not painful, but some discomfort may be present during treatment and healing. In most situations the therapy is not finished after the root canal has been completed, because the tooth is now weak. Often a reinforcing metal post is inserted into the tooth through the opening in the top of the tooth. Many teeth are still too weak or unpleasant looking, and a crown (cap) is required to make the tooth both functional and beautiful. The minimal therapy required for a dead tooth is root canal only.


  1. What are the signs of gum disease?
  • Gums that are red, puffy or swollen, and tender
  • Gums that bleed during brushing or flossing
  • Teeth that look longer because your gums have receded
  • Gums that have separated, or pulled away, from your teeth
  • Teeth that have shifted or loosened
  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Pus coming from between your teeth and gums
  • Constant bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  1. How does Plaque form?

Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film of a bacteria or germs that is constantly forming on your teeth and gums. If it is not brushed off after you eat, it combines with sugars present in food particles to produce acids which attack and harm your teeth. Plaque is the real villain behind both tooth decay and gum disease.
Plaque turns food stuck between the teeth and acid which attacks the tooth enamel. With repeated acid attacks, the enamel wears away and a cavity is formed.
Once a cavity forms the decay spreads to the next layer - the dentine. But if the cavity is filled by a dentist, the decay can be stopped.
If the cavity is not treated at the dentine stage, the decay spreads deeper into the pulp and this can be very painful.
In the last stage the decay spreads to the root and causes an abscess, accompanied by severe pain. At this stage, only root canal treatment can save the tooth. In some case, the tooth may have to be extracted.


  1. What are sensitive teeth?

If you've ever felt a painful sensation in your teeth after drinking or eating hot or cold food and beverages, you've experienced tooth sensitivity. And you're not alone. It's a condition that affects one out of four adults, often coming and going over time.
The most common cause of sensitive teeth in adults is exposed tooth roots due to receding gums. Because these roots are not covered by enamel, thousands of tiny channels leading to the tooth's nerve center (pulp) are exposed. When heat, cold or pressure touch these channels, you feel pain.

Ignoring your sensitive teeth can lead to other oral health problems. This is especially true if the pain causes you to brush poorly, making you vulnerable to tooth decay.


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